March 21, 2005
An A to Z of Anything
Another sem is finally ending. Hallelujah!Before, the probelm was it's TDA (technological display of affection). What's up with all those sex videos?
Cramming never really works for me.
Dad's encouraging us to form a band like The Corrs, and he wants to call us The Curse.
Everyone's screaming for ice cream.
Forget BS Bio if you want a normal life.
Given a special wish, I'd ask for height.
Help me choose: violin or drum lessons for summer?
I love Manny Pacquiao, no matter who knocks him down.
Jokes matter. They are an antidote to a super-stressed brain.
Keep your senses alert at all times...even inside the safest places on earth.
Long nails are indeed difficult to maintain.
My mind, like fireworks, could be very brilliant - but without lasting effects.
Next letter please.
Our bedroom has reached its maximum filth level and nobody's doing something about it.
Professors could be really mean at times.
Quit key-locked diaries. Start blogging.
Remember this: 10 hugs a day make a person emotionally stable.
So many places to visit this summer yet so limitted money to spend!
The best thing about this semester: I had no Plant Taxo to worry about.
Under stressful conditions, I end up becoming more productive in my work.
Veins hold 50-60% of the total blood volume. So what?
Waking up is still my greatest weakness.
Xylose...xiphoid...xiphisternum...just a few of the new x-words in my vocabulary.
You're beautiful. We all are.
Zoo lab exam tomorrow, so I should be studying now.