Yesss! I get to blog this time. Poor me, my school work ate me up for the past week. Arrrgghh! I've been intensely trying to absorb too much educational discussions and I should say that this was never my idea of a summer vacation. This is so unfortunate - for while my siblings are having all the rest and the food and the movies that they want, I am to be seen on my study table pathetically reading up on lectures and writing lab reports. My friend says this is an inhuman way to spend summer. I definitely agree.

Anyway, these are the pictures from Chari's Wackiki Party last Friday. Haay. It's so fulfilling to look back on the 150% success of the night, partly because I helped her set some things up for her big night. I did the design of the Hawaiian invitations for her...and surprisingly, we've received positive feedback about it. Yippee, which makes me think, I could sideline on this business too. Hahaha...

hawaiian fools

wacky hawaiian fools

invictus at play

meet the sprouties

the debutante and me

new friends

And because we didn't sleep the entire night, because we were too animated in creating pyramids in the pool and singing our lungs out with the videoke machine, we were all bogged-down on our way home: really feels great to have been with them again.


Tonight, I'm attending another friend's debut. Yippee. And in three days, I'll be seeing my dad, my mom, and my two other sisters again. Another yippee. I can't wait to hug and kiss them all...and I can't wait to narrate to them how I handled the four-month-life-without-parents in a peaceful way.

Nothing impedes my euphoria now. Not even that burdensome Chem. Haha.